THE Warwickshire Royal Arch Benevolent Fund

Companions, as this is written, we are just starting the New Year, our Royal Arch Convocations are once more taking place and now more than ever

The Warwickshire Royal Arch Benevolent Fund

You will have seen the recent donation articles circulated on behalf of the Provincial Almoner.  As indicated previously, the effects of the last two years have severely depleted the funds available to the Royal Arch to make donations to our local charities.  Several of our Chapters have had collections for the Royal Arch Benevolent Fund in the last few months of 2021, which have been greatly appreciated, and any Chapters that can do similar in future months will enable the Fund to meet the aims and objectives set out on the Royal Arch website.

The charity pages on the Royal Arch website have been redesigned and updated recently, and now include the alternative ways of making donations. These include Gift Aid envelopes using the RABF Relief Chest, including use of the Chapter Charity Support Scheme, together with use of the JustGiving facility and the use of the QR code to donate.  This means that if a Companion wishes to make a donation in lieu of a missed meeting, or simply in addition to a collection, it can be made remotely, using the internet or from a mobile phone.

Our Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, is keen to support our local charities, both by major donations as is the original aim of the charity, or by smaller donations as added at a later stage.

To enable the fund to make donations and grants as outlined above, it is necessary for the fund to have an income, which is fortunately forthcoming via the Chapters in the Province.  We are most grateful to the Chapters who regularly make donations directly to the fund.  This income is the only means open to the Benevolent Fund to continue to make grants to charities, and one collection per year from each Chapter will enable the Committee to help fulfil its aims.

Steve Price – Provincial Grand Charity Steward

John HaywardVice Chairman, RA Benevolent Fund

Rod HintonProvincial Grand Almoner

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